
A. Atqa, M. Yoshida, M. Wakizaka, W. Chun, A. Oda, T. Imaoka, K. Yamamoto
Chem. Commun. 2023, 59, 11947-11950.


Ultra-small Mo–Pt subnanoparticles enable CO2 hydrogenation at room temperature and atmospheric pressure

We present a partially-oxidised bimetallic Mo–Pt subnanoparticle (Mo4Pt8Ox) enabling thermally-driven CO2 hydrogenation to CO at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. A mechanistic study explained the full catalytic cycle of the reaction from CO2 activation to catalyst reactivation. DFT calculations revealed that alloying with Mo lowers the activation barrier by weakening the CO adsorption. This finding could be a first step for low-energy CO2 conversion.


Augie Atqa (D3*)