
M. Huda, K. Minamisawa, T. Tsukamoto, M. Tanabe, K. Yamamoto
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 1002-1006.

さまざまな貴金属(Cu、Ru、Rh、Pd、またはPt)を含む直径約1 nmのサブナノ触媒(SNCs)は、デンドリックポリ(フェニルアゾメチン)をマクロ分子テンプレートとして使用して合成された。これらの材料は、有害な溶媒や爆発性酸化剤を使用せずにトルエンの酸化中に高い触媒性能を示し、主生成物として安息香酸を含む有価な有機生成物を生成する。特に、粒子サイズ分布が狭いPt19 SNCは、商業用Pt/C触媒の1700倍の3238 atom−1 h−1の高いターンオーバー周波数を持ち、非常に優れた触媒活性を示す。

Aerobic Toluene Oxidation Catalyzed by Subnano Metal Particles

Subnanocatalysts (SNCs) containing various noble metals (Cu, Ru, Rh, Pd, or Pt) with sizes of approximately 1 nm were synthesized using dendritic poly(phenylazomethine)s as a macromolecular template. These materials exhibit high catalytic performance during toluene oxidation without the use of harmful solvents or explosive oxidants, resulting in the formation of valuable organic products, including benzoic acid as the major product. In particular, Pt19 SNC with a narrow particle size distribution exhibits extraordinary catalytic activity, with a turnover frequency of 3238 atom−1 h−1, which is 1700 times greater than that obtained by commercial Pt/C catalysts.