


この常識に真っ向から反する非常に興味深い現象として、私たちはデンドリマーと呼ばれる有機高分子を基盤とした配位子を設計・合成し、多種の金属を個数と位置を精密に決めて配置できる精密金属集積を世界で初めて報告しました (Nature, 2002)。






Bismuth Complexes in Phenylazomethine Dendrimers: Controllable Luminescence and Emission in the Solid State

Carbazole Dendrimers as Solution-Processable Thermally Activated Delayed-Fluorescence Materials

Macromolecular semi-rigid nanocavities for cooperative recognition of specific large molecular shapes

Enhancing the Photoelectric Effect with a Potential-Programmed Molecular Rectifier

Controlled Storage of Ferrocene Derivatives as Redox-Active Molecules in Dendrimers

Dendritic Structure Having a Potential Gradient: New Synthesis and Properties of Carbazole Dendrimers

Additive-Free Synthesis of Poly(phenylene oxide):  Aerobic Oxidative Polymerization in a Base-Condensed Dendrimer Capsule

Probing Stepwise Complexation in Phenylazomethine Dendrimers by a Metallo-Porphyrin Core

Metal-Assembling Dendrimers with a Triarylamine Core and Their Application to a Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell

Fine Control of the Release and Encapsulation of Fe Ions in Dendrimers through Ferritin-like Redox Switching

Control of Stepwise Radial Complexation in Dendritic Polyphenylazomethines

Novel Triarylamine Dendrimers as a Hole-Transport Material with a Controlled Metal-Assembling Function

Metal Assembly in Novel Dendrimers with Porphyrin Cores

Stepwise radial complexation of imine groups in phenylazomethine dendrimers

First Synthesis of Phenylazomethine Dendrimer Ligands and Structural Studies